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Space & Defense Manufacturing Software Background Poieo Dev

Space & Defense Software

Looking for ways to increase facility throughput? Missing key analytics and actionable insights?

Perhaps it's time to digitalize those paper certs...

It's a crazy idea, we know... but the efficiency gained from digitalizing certs, part travelers, inspection requirements, setup instructions, and everything else within the shop (yes it's possible, even in the aerospace and defense industries!) is absolutely huge and is critical to major growth of a manufacturing facility.
When paperwork gets digital it becomes:
  • Faster to search for things
  • Faster to compile documents together
  • Faster to track certs across split or combined material lots
  • Faster for your employees to find the information they need
  • Faster to track the current status of parts.
  • Significantly reduces your paper budget (it really does add up!)

Did you know that having your actual real-time facility status can...

  • Increase your shop's utilization to upwards of 80%
  • Reduce labor costs
  • Increase machine hours and efficiency
  • Help you spend less time trying to schedule parts, setups, machines, and labor
  • Help you understand where your facility really stands, where your numbers are trending towards and more.

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How We Can Help...

  • We spend time understanding your current processes, workflows, and reporting methods.
  • We develop and build out any necessary data capturing tools so you'll begin capturing every piece of data a machine has to offer such as a door opening, a part marked as loaded, current runtime remaining in the machine, tool life trends etc.
  • Build out meaningful reporting so you can understand your exact status, targets, and capacity in realtime: Are you trending towards hitting your goals and objectives? Are parts being scheduled on machines in the most efficient manner? Do the load or unload processes take too much time and need to be adjusted? Are there inefficient processes that need to be cleaned up? Do you have capacity for the new big sales request? Do you have too many, or perhaps not enough, employees working or employed?
  • We can help you find the perfect ERP, build out your existing ERP, or build you a fully custom ERP solution.
  • We're developers. We're experienced in aerospace manufacturing. We're here to empower you to run a leaner facility through custom, complex, and powerful software tools.

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Highlighted Partners: Space & Defense Innovators

Karman Space & Defense Client - Poieo Dev
Rapid Machining Solutions Client - Poieo Dev

Case Study

Our team played a pivotal role in guiding an aerospace manufacturing facility engaged in multiple SpaceX programs through a transformative journey, aiding them in achieving aerospace certification and elevating their throughput of product and revenue by a remarkable factor of 10x over a span of 6 years. Our contributions encompassed the development and implementation of advanced systems, streamlined processes, and tailored software solutions.

Running a Production Facility isn't easy...

We understand that running an aerospace manufacturing facility isn't easy and it's especially difficult to make changes to processes.

With the proper team, however, changes can be less painful and more effective. We've watched facilities try to hire their own teams to build their internal tooling at a cost of taking YEARS longer with sub-par results. We're not just any team, we're experts in manufacturing processes and software.

We started on the ground floor of a manufacturing facility in 2016 loading machines and grew to love the industry. We were also one out of 4 employees that worked to transform the manufacturing facility from processing random jobs to building out process and strategies to bring us into the aerospace world, quickly ranking as SpaceX's top 3 manufacturing facilities. We've also been software developers for nearly 12 years. In 2019 we launched Poieo Dev to empower aerospace manufacturing facilities to run at 85%+ efficiency and have clear tracks for improvement and growth through unique software tooling.

We're not here to completely change how you run your facility, we're here to bring you current in the technological world and empower you to run it leaner with clear, measurable growth objectives.

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