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Custom Software Development | Poieo Dev

Custom Software Development

Everyone can write code. Only few can engineer truly powerful and scalable solutions to today's most complex problems. We serve businesses sizes from small businesses to enterprise-level businesses in the United States.

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We Are Creatives

We're not here to reinvent the wheel - but we do believe that creativity drives innovation and vision. Our team is beyond creative - we live out creative design, creative implementation, creative automations, and creative solutions. We bleed creativity at our core with MacGyver like solutions for difficult problems.

We Are Programmers

We have nearly two decades in programming experience in a vast array of languages. We've worked on websites, mobile apps, Raspberry Pi's, 3D Printers, virtual machines, and so much more. We are expert programmers.

We Are Engineers

This is what sets us apart. Finding creatives is simple. Hundreds of thousands of code-writers (programmers) exist. But developing creative solutions that are properly architected for scalability and efficiency is where we stand out. Our competitors often fail to see beyond the current problem and write code that is far too constrained (we know because we have to fix scalability issues for new clients nearly every day). Anyways, we're not just creative or good at typing the same thing ChatGPT can offer - we excel at engineering creative solutions to unique business challenges.

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Languages We Utilize Daily

  • Python
  • Javascript
  • PHP
  • HTML
  • SQL
  • noSQL

Frameworks & Platforms We Utilize Daily

  • Django
  • Flask
  • Laravel
  • WordPress
  • Shopify (Liquid)
  • Business Central
  • Twilio
  • Zapier

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We've Developed Some Pretty Cool Things...

  • The Secret Santa Mobile App
  • Escape Balls Mobile App
  • Stop Motion Capturing Mobile App
  • E-commerce Mobile App with Squarespace Integration
  • Lease Tracker Mobile App
  • Riffly Mobile App (Coming Soon!)
  • PowerBI Dashboards
  • Data Warehousing
  • Custom ERPs
  • Scandish Home Website
  • Short-Form Vertical Video for Website
  • Google/Facebook Ads Automation
  • Custom Desktop Applications
  • Crypto Crowdfunding Platform
  • Real Estate Transaction Management Platform
  • Realtor Lead Magnet QR Solution
  • Online Voting Software
  • AI Chat Behavior Predictions Mobile App
  • Tremendously Fast Web Scrapers
  • E-Com Stores
  • Social Media Platforms
  • Many software for enterprise systems

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